May Kavanaugh Drama Actually Discourage Sex Crime Victims from Seeking Help

The head of San Antonio's Battered Women's Shelter, is concerned that all of the politics that surrounded the claims of sexual harassment leveled by women against Supreme Court Justice designate Bret Kavanaugh will be a deterrent to future victims, who don't have the authority and confidence of a Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

"Should I say anything?  Will I have to go through an ordeal like that, reliving the trauma," Marta Pelaez said victims may ponder.

And several women's advocates have expressed concern that a White, Ivy League educated professor with an advanced degree is a lot easier to believe than a low income minority woman, who is far more likely to become a victim of sexual violence.

While at first there was optimism that the 'Me Too' movement, and the raising of allegations against Kavanaugh in the public square might convince more victims to come out of the shadows.  

But Pelaez now has her doubts.

"Being doubted, being questioned, and being judged by people who know very little about the phenomenon," could discourage many women from coming forward.

Pelaez says the number of calls to her hot lines are up since the entire Kavanaugh drama began last month.  But she says the fact that Ford's allegations have prompted a national debate, rather than an outpouring of concern for the victim, may have reversed that.

She points out that Ford's politics have been questioned, her motivation has been in doubt, and her behavior, which is completely irrelevant to a person being a victim of a crime, has been discussed, with mocking memes showing up on social media showing women who are not Dr. Ford naked, guzzling booze, and passed out topless on a picnic table.

Not to mention she and other women being investigated by the FBI.

"You are put to a public test of something that is so subjective as 'fear,' they may reject coming forth," she said.


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