Councilman: How is Huge SAWS Rate Hike in Line with City 'Equity' Goal?

Northwest side Councilman Greg Brockhouse is openly questioning whether the huge increase in SAWS water rates which will come before Council next month is in line with the 'equity' goal openly and proudly espoused by Mayor Nirenberg and City Council, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

"This is definitely not an equity lens item," Brockhouse said in an e-mail.

Many members of City Council patted themselves on the back last week for approving a City budget which follows the precepts of 'equity,' and approving a budget vetted through what the Mayor has called an 'equity lens.'  That includes focusing more city resources into traditionally underserved areas, and focusing on adding resources to services used by low income residents, like VIA Metro Transit.

Then, SAWS, which recently granted its CEO a $99,000 bonus, which is more than twice the average San Antonio annual salary, and provided him with a pay package which will pay him more than the President of the United States, asked the 'equity' focused Council to rubber stamp a 5.8% raise in water rates.

"On the surface, I am not going to be supportive of this," Brockhouse said.

The SAWS rate increase, which is set to take effect in January, is expected to be the first of several rate increases proposed by SAWS over the coming several years.


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